The Problem
Cultural Shifts are Changing the World and the Church
In 2020, Barna released its findings from its study on The State of the Church, based upon 20 years of research and nearly 100,000 surveys. What did it find?
- 1/3 fewer Americans attend Church weekly now than in 1993.
- Only 1 in 4 Americans are practicing Christians, nearly half as many since 2000.
- 43% of Americans are non-practicing Christians and 30% are non-Christian.
fewer Americans attend church weekly now than in 1993
of Americans are practicing Christians, which is down nearly half since 2000
of pastors are considering stepping away from full-time ministry
What can the church do to engage with each generation who remain active in their Christian practice to reach those who are looking for hope?

Reason for Hope
People are Looking for Hope
According to Barna’s findings, even with people moving away from the church, 7 in 10 Americans affirm they pray every week and 35% of adults still read the Bible weekly, 1% more than in 1993.
Interestingly, the study also shows older generations (Boomers and Elders) are attending church less at roughly the same pace as younger generations (Gen X and Millennials).

The Solution
The D’ART Collective
The D’ ART Collective, founded through the Lilly Endowment’s Thriving Congregation Initiative, is an online educational curriculum for Christians pastors and church leaders seeking to strengthen their ministries and impact their community and culture.
The D’ART Collective seeks to:
- Increase the vitality of existing congregations
- Extend Christian fellowship to youth
- Target those individuals who identify as having no religious affiliation

Why The D’ART Collective?
The D’ART Collective is an online, module-based program that focuses on the foundations of congregational study. Congregational study and learning is the process of gathering to grow, coming together to learn, being transformed, and maturing spiritually through creative arts and digital expressions of faith and engagement.
The D’ART Collective seeks to harness the power of technology and the appeal of the arts to draw youth, the religiously unaffiliated, and those who have become apathetic and unconnected to the church.
Through 6 four-week Pathways (courses). The Pathways are designed to help you revisit your church’s vision and mission, assess your congregational health, and provide practical tools for church growth and ministry effectiveness.
Featured Courses
Pick a Pathway to Get Started
Pathway 1: Theology
An introduction to the place and role of theology in defining the Church and providing a foundational understanding for how theology underlies the nature, purpose and function of the Church.
4 Weeks 100% Online Readings, Videos, Podcast
Pathway 2: Identity
An introduction and discussion of the importance of identity for churches and congregations with emphasis upon the elements forming a biblical identity and its role/function both within and outside the church.
4 Weeks 100% Online Readings, Videos, Podcast
Pathway 3: Community
An introduction and assessment of community that comprises of the people in the surrounding areas that identify the needs, wants and engagement of men and women who identify belonging in a thriving and growing community.
4 Weeks 100% Online Readings, Videos, Podcast
Pathway 4: Process
An introduction to the administrative, executive and management roles conducted in ministry provided success, good discipline, and order of a church organization. The execution of the work in ministry must be conducted adeptly, concisely, and with the wisdom of God for this great work.
4 Weeks 100% Online Readings, Videos, Podcast
Pathway 5: Program
An introduction and discussion with application of the principles supporting the spiritual growth and development of a congregation along with the importance of constructing community targeted, relationship-based ministry programs to forge lasting relationships with the community or communities surrounding a church.
4 Weeks 100% Online Readings, Videos, Podcast
Pathway 6: Implementation
An introduction and discussion with application of the principles supporting the spiritual growth and development of a congregation along with the importance of constructing community targeted, relationship-based ministry programs to forge lasting relationships with the community or communities surrounding a church.
4 Weeks 100% Online Readings, Videos, Podcast

Meet the Founder
Dr. Debra Haggins
The Reverend Dr. Debra Lynn Haggins serves as university chaplain and pastor of the historic Memorial Church at Hampton University; the first female to hold this position in the university’s history. As university chaplain, Haggins serves in a dual capacity, as campus minister and as executive director of the nationally acclaimed Hampton University Ministers’ Conference-Choir Directors’ & Organists’ Guild Workshop. Haggins previously served as the interim pastor of the historic Queen Street Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia. Prior to that, she served as assistant to the chaplain and faculty advisor to the Student Christian Association at Hampton University.