A Special Offer and a Full Breakdown of The 6 D’ART Collective Pathways
For a limited time, The D’ART Collective is offering a special price for the new year, giving you $140 off the original price of all 6 Pathways! Get a sneak peek of what each Pathway has to offer in the breakdown below.
The Process
These 6 Pathways are designed to be taken together, in order, and built upon one another to provide a complete, fully online experience for congregational groups. Curated readings, intentional podcasts, and practical exercises build 4-weeks of content for each Pathway.
You are encouraged to meet with congregational leaders within your church as part of a Congregational Studies Innovation Learning Lab (C-SIL) to discuss further and apply the truths learned in the week’s lesson.
As you progress through the course content, continue to meet each week with your C-SIL Lab team until the Pathway is successfully completed. At the conclusion of a Pathway, you will receive a badge recognizing your work, and at the end of all six Pathways, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Special Features of the Pathways:
- 30 videos answering deep questions from Christian thought leaders in the community
- 7 video podcasts with our context experts and leaders in the community exploring topics of theology, faith, and the Church
- 6 eBooks with doctorate-level research provided in easy-to-understand principles to help you develop a strong, thriving congregation
- Thought-provoking group questions for optimized collaboration within your Congregational Studies Innovation Learning Lab (C-SIL) that will create a meaningful impact on your congregation
- A reflection journal with prompts to document discoveries and thoughts and discuss with your C-SIL lab
- A weekly quiz to measure your progress
- A certificate upon completion
Pathway 1: Theology
Duration: 4 Weeks

Get back to the basics of your faith. Gain an informed understanding of the place of theology in the Church and the vital nature of its contribution to its activities.
Special Contributor: Rev. Dr. William H. Curtis (Senior Pastor, Mount Ararat Baptist Church) answers the question, “What is theology?”
- The definition of the theology of the Church and its contributing elements.
- Theology’s application to the Church and the significance of theology in congregational life.
- The role of theology in Church and Congregational Life.
- God’s design and purpose for the Church.
Learn more about Pathway 1 here.
Pathway 2: Identity
Duration: 4 Weeks

Establish a system of communication among the members that teaches them how to see and project themselves to the local community and the world.
Special Contributor: Rev. Dr. Gina Marcia Stewart (Senior Pastor, Christ Missionary Baptist Church) explains what congregational identity means to her.
- The elements that make a congregation, what distinguishes it from any other group, and what a congregation does and why.
- How congregational identity is formed, its essential elements, and how it’s anchored in a relationship with Jesus.
- What hinders congregational relationships with communities, how to avoid congregational disagreements, and how a biblical–based identity enables congregational expression.
- Why a biblically–based identity can create congregational curiosity about its community, how it can create community sensitivity and passion in a congregation, as well as community opportunities and potential influence for a congregation.
Learn more about Pathway 2 here.
Pathway 3: Community
Duration: 4 Weeks

Learn the importance of influence and when to adapt, adjust, and switch gears. Cultivate hope towards a bright future with a hope-focused mindset, meeting the needs of those affected in a community.
Special Contributor: Bishop Rudolph W. McKissick, Jr. (Senior Pastor, The Bethel Church) outlines the function the church serves in its community.
- The function of congregations within our communities.
- The language and character of a leader and the skills needed to counsel within a community.
- Establish unifying connections, tear down all barriers, and accept your own comfort within your community.
- Learn to connect as Christ wants the Church body to connect, to become the living organism the Church has been called to be, and to be the light of the world.
Learn more about Pathway 3 here.
Pathway 4: Process
Duration: 4 Weeks

Learning about the administrative, executive, and management roles conducted in ministry that provide success, good discipline, and order in a church organization.
Special Contributor: Rev. Dr. Margaret Elaine M. Flake (Pastor, Greater Allen Cathedral) defines her understanding of leadership within the congregation.
- How to select the right gifted leaders to serve and to recognize a formal and informal process for administrative practices.
- The right qualifications needed for work assignments in ministry and what it means to lead and identify resolutions in the midst of a crisis or conflict.
- How to lead in ministry unselfishly, walk in a spirit of humility, and how your influence impacts an entire church organization.
- Understand the heartbeat of ministry. Learn to capture the view of an excellent spirit in servanthood and the posture of accepting the mantle of leadership in humility.
Learn more about Pathway 4 here.
Pathway 5: Program
Duration: 4 Weeks

Explore the construction of community-targeted, relationship-based ministry programs and the importance of forging lasting relationships with the Church’s community. Identify unique community characteristics and reconstruct ministry programs to address needs.
Special Contributor: Rev. Dr. Reginald Blount (Leiffer Associate Professor of Formation, Leadership, and Church Culture, Garrett Theological Seminary) defines ministry programming.
- Evaluate ministry programs and create a congregation profile. Recognize the intricacies of evaluating and recommending changes in ministry programs to meet congregational needs.
- Learn how to approach changes in ministry programming. Identify the relationship between mission and vision statements and ministry programming. Examine the benefits of congregational participation in changes to ministries and programs.
- Understand “needs–based” spiritual growth, recognize the essential elements in implementing a spiritual growth process, and learn to embrace a process of intentional spiritual growth and development.
- Discover how spiritual growth results in transformational change and the value of an intentional mission and vision and investing in your community.
Learn more about Pathway 5 here.
Pathway 6: Implementation
Duration: 4 Weeks

A clear map of the work of ministry and its organizational hierarchy, ensuring the processes in place are working in sync for the betterment of all those in ministry. Leaders are empowered to lead, guide, and perform successfully.
Special Contributor: Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. (Senior Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church) discusses what thriving congregations are designed to do.
- Re-examine and embrace God’s divine plan for your church and understand your place as an extension of Jesus’ nature. Discover, apply, and live out God’s truths to demonstrate the reality of His divine design.
- Understand the purpose of God’s Word in strengthening churches and congregations, the results of anchoring church and congregational theology in God’s Word, and the relationship between theology and a congregation’s mission and vision.
- Discover how to live out in the open and define what the terms visible, viable, and valuable mean in the life of a church and congregation. Learn the methods of church and congregational investment.
- Become grounded in the relationship between the spiritual health and growth of a congregation and the prioritization of influential programs. Learn how to explain the interrelationship of mission and vision statements to a congregation’s ministry programs.
Learn more about Pathway 6 here.
Get the new year discount for a limited time!
For $140 off the entire bundle*, you will receive all 6 Pathways along with codes for all 6 eBooks connected with each Pathway. You can also choose to receive $20 off an individual Pathway.
We also offer group pricing! For more information, visit dartcollective.org/support.
*The New Year pricing promotion is only available until January 31, 2023.